Investing in Your Health Treating Hearing Loss

Investing in Your Health: Treating Hearing Loss

In Hearing Loss by Jennifer Douberly, Au.D.

To invest is to allocate money with the expectation of a positive benefit/return in the future. An investment in your hearing health now, can make a huge difference on the quality of life you will have for your older self. It’s an investment which has an increase of value which may just be priceless. Hearing loss affects 48 million people in the US alone, most often, starting gradually. This makes it a difficult condition to diagnose, though, it doesn’t make it less serious.

Treating Your Hearing Loss

While some types of hearing loss are reversible, most cases are not. This means the effects of hearing loss are permanent, but there is still hope. The most effective treatment for hearing loss are hearing aids. These amazing devices fit in the ear canal or around the ear and amplify the sounds you struggle with. Everyone’s hearing loss develops a little differently. This is why a hearing test will allow us to properly diagnose your hearing loss and program your hearing aids so they can work the best, specifically for you.

A Sound Investment

Of those who could benefit from hearing aids, only one in five have ever tried them. One of the largest barriers people have around treatment is the high cost of hearing aids. These are amazing machines which are meant to amplify sound, so you can follow conversations with loved ones, and co-workers. You use them ideally from the moment you wake up, only to remove them when bathing or swimming. They do quite a lot of work and once you get used to them, you’ll probably wonder how you ever got on before. 

The Cost of Untreated Hearing Loss

While the price tag might seem high at first, imagine the cost to your health. Severe to profound hearing loss is estimated to cost society on average $300,000 over the lifetime per person with a loss. This takes into account reduced work productivity due to hearing loss as well as added hospital bills due to an increased risk of falls and injury as you age with untreated hearing loss. A European report on the economic impact of hearing loss found considerable evidence that people with hearing loss, on average, earn significantly less than people with normal hearing. Those with untreated hearing loss experience higher unemployment rates in comparison to those without hearing loss. However, the report found that hearing aid users earn on average a significantly higher income than hearing impaired non-users. 

Quality of Life

Not only does hearing loss affect your earnings but your overall quality of life. Quality of life is measured using three factors: life satisfaction, a person’s feelings or emotional states, and a person’s sense of having meaning and purpose. When hearing loss goes untreated, rifts in personal and professional relationships cause lack of self-esteem, sense of purpose and sense of satisfaction. This is why many who avoid treating their hearing loss are left with chronic anxiety and depression. This often leaves people avoiding their health. It is common for them to suffer from more chronic diseases than people with normal hearing. It has also been found that there is a strong relationship between hearing loss and cognitive decline, leading to a higher risk of dementia.

Investing in Cognitive Health

Don’t let hearing loss erode your cognitive health. Wearing hearing aids has been found to delay cognitive decline in older adults and may improve brain function. This is because it avoids the strain on your brain when you struggle to hear. 

Investing in Emotional Health

Hearing aids help you to be more aware, be more actively engaged, and not miss out on what is being expressed. This makes social settings a place of connection instead of stress and anxiety. Your relationships which may have once felt stressed can slowly heal over time. 

Investing in your Physical Health

Hearing helps you communicate, but it also plays an important role in helping you to navigate the world. When you hear the world around you, you can be more aware of spatial relationships. With hearing aids you can be more confident moving around and be more inspired to stay fit and join friends and family for outings. Investing in hearing aids today, means a brighter, more connected and healthier future! Schedule a hearing consultation today!